What's in Your Hand?

It is never too late to dream. When we have a relationship with God, our setbacks are setups for God to do the unexpected for our lives, and create change in the world.

In order to evaluate our dreams, we have to examine our lives and how we steward them. This examination includes recognizing the things that God has placed in our hands, including relationships, resources, experience, power, and dreams. We also need to determine the things that are in our hands that should not be, such as distractions, dysfunctions, and get rid of them. We also need to determine what is not in our hands, but that should be, by evaluating the objects of our focus, our time, and our resources. Finally, and most importantly, we need to turn over our lives to Christ. Then, God can transform parts of us that appear common, or even useless, and through His power, use us to do great things for His kingdom.